
Showing posts from December, 2018

Google “Feeling Lucky” in Chinese market with new MP3 search

By Matt DoyleGo back ten years ago in the U.S., when the internet was scattered with various search engines and most people had their own favorite – Yahoo, AOL, Dogpile, or Hotbot. The landscape is now completely different. Google, with its nearly 70% of market share is the undisputed king of the internet. Heck, people in the States don’t even “search online” anymore. They “Google.”It’s not quite the same over here in China, where Google’s paltry 25.9% of market share pales in comparison to local favorite’s 60.1% in January. Even that big scandal last year over Baidu hiding news and offering paid searches didn’t hurt them that much.But Google’s hasn’t given up on that elusive first place goal, and according to the BBC, they’re going to try for it by offering Chinese nationals access to free music download sites.Only one problem: That’s not much of a trump card. Not only does Baidu already have an mp3 search, but unlike your allegedly legal one (which shares ad revenue with ma